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Why Coaching for Doctors Reduces Burnout

Why Coaching for Doctors Reduces Burnout

A recent study in JAMA Internal Medicine, suggests a different paradigm for fighting physician burnout may be effective – external coaching for doctors. It’s well known that healthcare professionals are twice as likely to experience the symptoms of burnout than other professionals. They experience increased risk of suicide along with alcoholism and substance abuse. This comes at a huge personal cost with the associated impact on relationships and family life. Stress and burnout also compromise our quality of care, leads to increased error rate and places patients at risk. Resilience for doctors is crucial – here’s why coaching for doctors reduces burnout.

The World Health Organization defines burnout as “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and reduced professional efficacy,”creating problems for both physicians and their patients. The study, led by Liselotte Dyrbye, M.D. and Colin West, M.D., Ph.D., investigates how external professional coaching placing an emphasis on

  • personal values
  • professional goal setting
  • work choices
  • professional relationships
  • influencing change at work

Why resilience coaching for doctors reduces burnout

This study was the first to specifically explore the effects of coaching on physician stress and burnout. The researchers stated:

“Helping physicians navigate career decisions and manage the stress of their job is crucial,” says Dr. Dyrbye. “While many of these doctors have a good informal support system, professional coaches can address a variety of topics and needs, and provide a safe setting to admit perceived vulnerabilities and uncertainties. We really think it can improve physicians’ ability to manage their careers and change the detrimental aspects of their work environments, so that ultimately they can do their job well without feeling overwhelmed.”

Over 88 physicians completed several self-assessment questionnaires, examining burnout, quality of life, resilience, and job satisfaction. The doctors then completed 6 sessions with a non-physician professional coach, working with each of the doctors on issues of their choice. After completing six sessions of coaching for doctors, the physicians filled out the same questionnaires to follow their progress.

Is resilience coaching for physicians a magic bullet?

Results were promising for tackling burnout and stress in healthcare. The coached doctors reported less burnout and an increase life quality post coaching for doctors, as compared to before. The researchers also administered the same tests on physicians who did not receive professional coaching for doctors. The doctors who had not been coached reported increased emotional exhaustion and a lower quality of life, illustrating that doctor burnout symptoms can worsen if left unaddressed.

Whilst the research results were positive, we need to see more research into the efficacy of professional coaching for doctors combined with other programs, such as resilience for doctors. The results suggest that the impact of coaching for doctors may be added to the existing list of evidence-based tools to support physician wellbeing and, their patients. Is resilience coaching for doctors a magic bullet? Unfortunately not. Resilience coaching for doctors should be offered in tandem with organisational efforts to improve the practice environment, addressing systemic drivers of burnout in physicians.

The Resilient Doctor provides coaching for doctors and healthcare professionals along with resilience training for physicians, nurses and allied healthcare professionals Contact us to find out more, we’d love to hear from you

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Strategies to Manage Coronavirus Stress for Healthcare Professionals

Strategies to Manage Coronavirus Stress for Healthcare Professionals

If you’re feeling anxious and stressed about the Coronavirus, you’re not alone. It’s over one hundred years since the world has seen a global outbreak on this scale. As the disease spreads, it’s a natural response to be worried about the impact of COVID-19. Developing strategies to build resilience and reduce coronavirus stress during the outbreak can help.

Healthcare workers or anyone responding to COVID19 will be under additional pressure. Whilst this professional demographic is already one of the most resilient there is, working longer hours and understandable fear around the virus itself can be detrimental to your mental health. Many of your colleagues will be experiencing the same fears. Whilst some fear can be helpful to keep yourself safe and help you manage, it can also become counterproductive. The better you manage your stress, the better you’ll be able to manage your role. It’s crucial that you take

Most of us have never had do deal with uncertainty on this scale before. When you’re a doctor, nurse or allied health professional working on the front line, stress and fear can be a regular occurrence that depletes your energy. The novel nature of COVID19 means that we’re working with unknowns and that can increase anxiety. We may not be able to control what happens within the coming weeks and months, but what we can control is how we respond to it.

Avoiding a Coronavirus Stress Amygdala Hijack

Stress, Anxiety or Overwhelm? Let’s take a look at the difference between Coronavirus stress, anxiety and overwhelm.

Stress is an evolutionary response in your body to a particular trigger or threat. We all respond to stress in different ways. Learning to recognise your own stress signs and symptoms (and those of colleagues) can become a useful early warning system. Once you recognise it you can begin to employ stress management strategies to dial down your stress.

Generally, anxiety is the body’s response to stress. It can result in persistent worry, fear or panic about what might happen in the future. Stressful situations like the outbreak of Coronavirus may trigger anxiety. It can disrupt your daily life, skew your perception of events and reduce your ability to respond effectively. Most of us will experience anxiety at some point when faced with stressful events.

The ability to recognise and then manage our emotions helps us to avoid what Daniel Goleman refers to as an ‘Amygdala Hijack’. That’s when our fight, flight or freeze response is activated. Our emotions take over and we become overwhelmed, responding immediately and ineffectively to a situation without thinking clearly and rationally. Calming your brain during stressful situations is a skill that you can learn. Here’s how.

Identify Coronavirus Stress

It sounds counterintuitive but sometimes stress and anxiety can creep up on you. It can be hard to recognise that you’re stressed and anxious before you start to feel overwhelmed. We all react differently to stress , but some common signs that you or someone else is feeling anxious about the current outbreak could be

  • Frequent worry
  • Moments of fear and feeling helpless
  • A change in sleep patterns
  • Withdrawal from activities that you normally enjoy
  • Joylessness
  • Hopelessness
  • Feeling of frustration, resentment or anger
  • Sadness and or tearfulness

Recognising coronavirus stress is information that you can use to regain control and begin dialling down your stress levels whilst still taking necessary precautions . Allow yourself to recognise these feelings without beating yourself up for your response. It’s ok to feel what you’re feeling. Stress is information, it becomes unhelpful when it turns into panic.

Arm Yourself With Coronavirus Facts

The more you know about Coronavirus, the more proactive you can be in terms of prevention. Seek out accurate information from credible sources. This will help you to avoid the fear and panic that misinformation produces. Alia Crum, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Stanford University explored the role of mindsets and how they impact our stress response her research suggests that the way we perceive stress may be critical in terms of how we respond to it. Crum found that viewing stress as part of life, as a skill to be mastered, resulted in better health, emotional well-being and productivity at work – even during highly stressful periods. Viewing stressful events this way helps us to manage threats more effectively. Knowing the facts puts you back in control and enables you to take proactive steps to protect yourself. Useful sources of coronavirus information are:

Create News & Social Media Limits

Whilst informing yourself is a positive, being constantly connected to Coronavirus news feeds and social media can amplify feelings of anxiety and result in overwhelm. Remain informed but consider limiting the amount of time that you spend reading about Coronavirus. Manage tech time in the same way that you already mitigate against digital overload by switching off alerts, setting a time limit on your use of apps and removing your phone or device from your bedroom. Create news breaks and consider taking a day off from checking coronavirus news. Instead, spend that time on something that renews and energises you instead, for example, reading, listening to music, going for a walk, exercise or spending time in nature.

Focus on What you can Control

Energy spent on what we cannot control is wasted. Ruminating on what you cannot do will feed into stress and anxiety. Focusing on what you can control enables you to take more effective action.

  • Identify what you can control e.g. saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to requests from others, what you can influence e.g. working practices and what you can’t.
  • What can you do to prepare or plan for the areas that you can control? This might include preparing supplies in case you are quarantined, or talking to your family and friends about how you will manage a quarantine in practical terms.
  • Preparation can also include building your resilience (with our free toolkit) making sure that you prioritise your own self care or creating space in your day for stress reduction strategies such as mindfulness (another free toolkit) or exercise. Even small, incremental interventions of 5 minutes will begin to add up.
  • Create an action plan with a timeline.

Minismise Unhelpful Strategies

Whilst short term strategies like smoking and alcohol might work temporarily, they’ll add to the mental and physical stress in the long term. If you can cut down on these maladaptive stress strategies do – even a small reduction will help.

Coronavirus Stress & Sleep

Coronavirus stress may well keep you awake. It sounds obvious, but making sure that you get adequate sleep will help you to manage stress. Churning over the day or tossing and turning will exacerbate overwhelming thoughts and feelings. Take a look at your sleep hygiene and develop a bedtime routine.

If you can, go to sleep at the same time every night. If that’s not possible and you’re working night shifts, develop a regular pre-sleep routine that soothes your mind and body. That might include a hot bath, herbal sleep tea or relaxation app, along with anything else that relaxes you. Keep your bedroom gadget free, promoting a wind down space before you go to sleep.

Consider practising mindfulness. As well as helping to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, a randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation for chronic insomnia discovered that building mindfulness into your day can reduce chronic insomnia in adults.

Connect With Others

Stay connected with family, friends and support networks. The psychological impact of working in the centre of an outbreak or being isolated in quarantine are well documented. It’s easy to withdraw from others and shut down when you feel stressed. Talk to others about how you are feeling. Remember that sometimes it can also be helpful to deliberately talk about non Coronavirus topics, limiting the time you spend on topics that are likely to deplete you. Now is the time to consciously limit the time you spend with mood hoovers who drain your energy by being negative.

It’s possible to remain connected digitally if you find yourself quarantined. Speak to friends and family using video calling apps or phone calls to manage feelings of isolation.

Build Resilience Architecture

Think about the way that your day is structured. It may be that circumstances mean that your routine needs to change, at least for a while. Think about how you can design your day around self care and resilience. What new routines can you introduce that will renew and replenish you? For example, if you commute to work, getting off a stop early and incorporating a walk into the journey. Is it possible to limit the things in your day that drain you? This might mean saying ‘No’ to requests from others and putting yourself first. Are there opportunities within any changes you might experience that you can use to your advantage?

Exercise Self Compassion

Research has demonstrated that self compassion has consistently found to be key to wellbeing and resilience. It has also been linked to decreased amygdala responses – reducing the likelihood of an amygdala hijack. Instead of berating yourself when you experience stress and anxiety you can generate positive emotions and accept that sometimes things are difficult without apportioning blame.

Self Compassion Hacks

These compassion practices can be used to build kindness and self compassion into your routine.

  • When things get tough, take a self compassion break, even if it’s just 60 seconds.
  • Keep a journal focusing on the areas that you’re struggling with. Reflect on your journal entry with compassion. Imagine that you are responding kindly to a friend with your reflections.
  • Reframe your perception of failing as an opportunity to learn, grow and improve.
  • Monitor your self talk. When you hear your inner critic, talk back to it with kindness. Use phrases like “It’s ok to be angry about the situation.” “I don’t need to be perfect.” And when things don’t go as you wanted “Failing is part of being human.”
  • Limit the time that you spend on social media. Use that time for self care instead.
  • Prioritise your wellness and speak to someone when feelings of overwhelm persist.

How Should Leaders & Managers Respond to Coronavirus Stress?

It’s crucial for leaders and managers to protect their staff from chronic stress. It’s important to model good practice during periods of high pressure. Take breaks, make sure that when workers are working through periods where there is intense pressure that the next task they are allocated less intense tasks. Take a look at our piece on periodisation for more information about how to do this. Buddy less experienced workers with more experienced colleagues for additional support. The health service will be under pressure for some time so it’s important that as a leader you take care of yourself, recognising the importance of your own renewal (and making sure to model it).

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High Performance Without Physician Burnout

High Performance Without Physician Burnout

When you feel like you’re running to stand still it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing more to clear the decks. Working longer hours is detrimental to your health and your performance. What if there was another way? One rooted in data? Here’s how to sustain high performance without physician burnout.

It may sound like a counter intuitive approach, but sometimes we need to slow down to get more done. It’s a paradoxical truth that we often ignore, at our own cost. Succeeding doesn’t have to come at such a high personal price. It’s possible to succeed without burning out even within a busy healthcare environment.

The landscape of Physician Burnout

Burnout has 3 distinct domains. You’ll recognise it by these 3 components that begin to reveal themselves as you head toward burnout.

  • Emotional exhaustion This is when there’s nothing left in the tank, for you or anyone else.
  • Depersonalization Your energy reserves are so low, you start to feel numb. Your colleagues and patients? They’re starting to look a little bit annoying. This is a classic sign of physician burnout.
  • Reduced personal accomplishment You feel like you’re not developing and you’re not accomplishing anything worthwhile. You have little or no motivation and your productivity nosedives.

It takes honesty and wisdom to recognise when you’ve become the victim of your own drive to succeed and you’re burning out. Or if you’re skating around the periphery of burnout, tempted to keep going at breakneck speed, now is the time to press pause and examine what’s really going on.

Workplace burnout is now recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO)  as a diagnosable condition, adding it to the  International Classification of Diseases It’s big news in terms of performance and one of the major blocks we come across in our sustainable leadership coaching.

Overdrive & Physician Burnout

Maybe you feel incredibly driven but there just aren’t enough hours in the day? If you’re starting to feel stressed and bordering on burnout, that’s a signal to switch things up and start doing something different. You can’t reach optimal performance by working longer hours or sleeping less. It’s time to adopt some performance smart strategies.

We are living under the collective delusion, that in order to succeed we have to burnout along the way” – Arianna Huffington

Visualise instead of burning out

Really? Can visualisation truly make a difference? Data from the field of sports psychology suggests it can. When basketball players were asked to visualise for an hour a day, it was found to have the equivalent impact of 7 hours of physical practice. Science is only just beginning to understand the mind body connection and the impact that it has on performance. Visualisation is a technique that we’ve used in our coaching with sporting bodies like UK Sport and the Football Association. Why? Because it works. Whatever the habits are that you want to change, begin by visualising them. This is the first step in beginning to align your mind, habits, goals and performance. This mental practice combined with real world effort has been demonstrated to improve results What’s more, it’s more effective than just doing one alone.

Slow Down

Downtime is the key to high performance. That’s why it’s always a mistake to work harder. The constant striving associated with sacrifice syndrome will only take you on a journey to depletion and eventually burnout. Skipping lunch, working late, using your weekend to play catch up are all corrosive practices that will only serve to slow you down. You’ll put more hours in and see fewer results for your efforts.

Renewal is critical for peak performance. Build regular intervals into your daily routine to develop physical and psychological renewal.  This is the way to high, sustainable performance. Yes, you need to set goals and work hard, but there also needs to be space for essential recovery time. Dampen down the sacrifice with some simple changes; take lunch – even if it’s short. Go for a walk, periodically disconnect from tech, practice mindfulness, invest in decent sleep, develop compassion and cultivate hope. Research has demonstrated that the mere act of hopefulness that things can be different, has a positive impact upon our neurobiology and our performance. Don’t wait until it’s too late to strike the balance.

Be strategic without burning out

It sounds obvious, but when we’re stressed or burning out, we lose our way. Our decision making is impaired and we lack the clarity necessary for effective thinking. That’s why strategy is so critical to performance. Effective strategy involves setting clear goals, designing a plan to deliver them and monitoring your progress. Decide upon your metrics for success and tackle your goals each day. Remember to stay flexible, things change and you need to be able to adapt to each situation.

If you’re doing something and it won’t help you to achieve your metrics for success, ask yourself if you should be spending time on it. Think in terms of ROI for your time to maintain your focus and keep your strategy on track.

Discover more…

We’ve successfully worked with thousands of businesses and individuals around the world to help them achieve their goals. We’ve coached hundreds of leaders in business, elite sport and tech. We work internationally with Fortune 100 companies to optimise performance, reduce burnout, building resilience and workforce wellness. We provide consultancy, leadership coaching and training. If you’d like to know more about how we can partner with your organisation, get in touch.