Take the first step towards building resilience, achieving your career goals and creating sustainable performance.
Why work with The Resilient Doctor
The Resilient Doctor was founded by Gill Thackray in response to requests for a comprehensive resilience resource for doctors. She first began working in the field of resilience whilst working in United Nations refugee camps. Since then she has worked internationally as a business psychologist with elite sporting bodies such as the Football Association and UK Sport to build resilience and optimise sustainable performance.
Her client list includes Fortune 100 companies, the United Nations, Health Education England, Great Ormond Street Hospital, British Society for Rheumatology, Prostate Cancer, Cancer Research UK, BBC, University College of Osteopathy, Deloitte, Price Waterhouse Cooper, Ernst and Young, Chartered Institute of Accountants for England and Wales, Lancaster University Bonington Leadership Programme, London School of Economics, Google, Natural History Museum and the V&A amongst others. Gill is the author of ‘Mindfulness Coach’ and the ‘Positivity Coach’ both due December 2020 published by Michael O’Mara Books, London.
Her expertise in resilience means that she is a frequent conference contributor as well as contributing to publications including The Guardian, Ultra Sport, Thrive Global and Success Magazine amongst others.
Gill has undertaken research into leadership resilience with Aberdeen University, examining the efficacy of mindfulness interventions upon leadership resilience, emotional intelligence and compassion. The Resilient Doctor draws upon this extensive experience of working with thousands of people working in the health service, private sector and tech start ups. We are trusted to distill the latest research in resilience, providing proven practical strategies to manage stress, develop resilience and optimise sustainable performance.
To find out more about Gill’s coaching, resilience training, research or
availability for speaking engagements contact us or call +44 07981764794